one has to be special, being the hometown run. Also, because this one is so
infrequent. The last one was held in 2013, when I did not run (that’s another
long story). Suresh Iyer, the conqueror of Mumbai & New York full marathons
& umpteen half’s, was specially coming down for this one. Yes, the
nostalgia bug is very potent.

previous edition had disappointed many city runners & quite a few were not
sure whether they wished to participate this time round. The sole reason being
a delayed start, because of the late arrival of the chief guest, and the
welcome ceremony & series of speeches that followed. This time the event
brochure informed the gate closure time of 5:45 AM but was silent on the start time!
I admired this professional approach, for it makes no sense to needlessly raise
expectations & not deliver. When asked, the volunteers were also
non-committal on this aspect. Though, one did assure us (now, this was so
unprofessional) that the 21-K & 15-K events will be flagged off even before
the Chief Minister arrives. He knew, she would arrive late (or should it be
this seriously, Suresh & I were at the venue by 5:30 AM. Arriving early
helps one park easily, as I have said earlier too. Entering the venue, one
found a group of school kids (in uniform) already seated. They would have woken
up pretty early. Now, a seasoned runner like Suresh takes his pre-run routine
seriously. This involves complete stretching & warming up as well as taking
a leak twice, the 2nd time immediately before the start. An empty
bladder is a runner’s best friend (see, you learn so much when you go through
my posts!). After the warm ups, my routine involves strolling about &
catching up with known faces. This is also the selfie time.
also came across a walking billboard who was pasted all over with sponsors’
logos. Time for a chat with Adil Marawala. He was raising funds for his
initiative, wherein the sponsors were donating or rendering services for every
km that he completed. The beneficiaries included street kids, homeless & stray animals. You can read more about his work on

is what distance running is all about. It helps one to stay focused on the
objective. While a bus would aim for perfect execution of the run plan, for
someone like Adil, the run is only the vehicle for achieving another objective.
Then, there are people like Dina Patel who are clear about what they want. See,
she is not even afraid to tell the whole world what it is! Durgesh Merchant
also agrees totally with her, as do most of the rest of us. I am sure, Dina was
the most cheered runner on the streets. I hope her message reached the right
was a long wait, because the organisers had decided for a formal flag off by
the CM. We should have expected this. One of the organisers is said to be
angling for a ticket to contest elections for quite some time now & cannot
afford to miss any opportunity to showcase her crowd gathering skills. So what,
if this involves forcing school kids to wake up so early on a Sunday & wait
for hours to hear boring speeches by politicians? The regular runners did not
like it one bit. I met runners who had come from Pune and Bangalore who were
not at all pleased with this long wait. In a way, the HM runners were lucky,
being the first ones to be flagged off. Which happened a little later than 6:40
AM. In a way, this late start has its good points too. Imagine a big bunch of
runners out on the streets when it is still dark. We would unnecessarily wake
up the stray dogs & cows & other animals from their well-deserved
sleep. Isn’t the Indian philosophy all about respecting all living beings, whatever
physical form they have acquired? And what if one of these got annoyed at being
so disturbed? I am told that the 5K runners were let off at 7:30. Did they have
to endure those netas & wannabe netas for so long?
fallout of this late start was the need to take a pee break shortly after we
began. I did so under the conveniently designed & located Lalbaug bridge. I
am beginning to like the route for the run, with such amenities on the way. I
was not alone & the organisers seemed to have duly deliberated on the
route. Suresh Iyer had moved much ahead during this break, but I did not have
much to regret. I came across Suresh Iyengar. Now, here is a guy who was
running his 1st HM, but already had an ultra under his belt!! He
also runs at a slow, leisurely pace, which is more to my liking.
fallout was the time between warmup & start – over an hour. The body had
already cooled down by the time we began. I noticed beginning of cramps. Now,
this was trouble with an upper case T. I eased it out while deciding whether to
continue or drop out. Ample no. of medical aid stations along the route made it
easier. Hydration & medical aid were very well spread out along the route
& commend the organisers for this. Reaching Manisha Chokdi, came across the
BRR cheer gang of Reni George, Ajay Sharma & Shalini Sharma. Reni also
doubled up as the photographer. Later, they took over the traffic handling
responsibilities too, as this is a major traffic intersection.
came the shocker, near the Bird Circle. A cyclist volunteer went past with a
placard informing the date & distances for the next edition. Here is an
event that doesn’t take place regularly & which has a record of announced
dates being shuffled around. To commit a date for the next edition was unbelievable.
Which would also make it two editions in a single calendar year. Aren’t the
orgsanisers more than a little overambitious? Moreover, the date clashes with
the Goa River Marathon which is a favourite of many local runners too. To top
it all, the next edition will have the Full Marathon on offer too. I have
reasons to differ with these grand plans. 2017 will be the year elections will
be held for the state assembly. While this presents an opportunity for aspiring
contestants to lobby for a ticket, I am doubtful whether there will be enough
sponsors for the event. The potential sponsors would have shelled out the spare
cash to major political parties & I doubt whether they will have something
left for a running event. Still, good luck to the organisers!!
sun was, by now, all over. So were the people. Running past the Fatehganj
flyover near Drug Laboratory, I found a stream of taffic coming the other way.
This happened at a lot of places. The worst being the stretch between Pandya
Hotel & Chhani and the Kala Ghoda Circle. As I was running across a
T-junction, a garbage truck suddenly appeared from the side street. It had no
intention of slowing down or stopping (there was a traffic cop on duty there)
& I did the next best thing. Of course, this helps one to rest & regain
some strength, howsoever little it may be. At another junction, the traffic cop
actually stopped the runners to let the vehicles cross the road! Different
runners react differently to this. While I took it as a time to rest, some
actually run faster to avoid incoming traffic. They also end up with a faster
timing! The photograph below was widely circulated on whatsapp & facebook
& proved that the autorickshaws do not consider anyone on foot as an elite.
one turned around Chhani into Nizampura main road, it was getting very hot. I
had seen many runners wearing the Rajkot HM race jersey. I got chatting with
Mansukhbhai Dabhi, who informed that there a sizeable contingent from Rajkot
here. He was extremely critical of the late start, bad traffic management &
extremely low crowd support. Of course, he was comparing VIHM with the HM held
at Rajkot a couple of weeks back & couldn’t have reacted differently. I felt
the same way too.
was a huge crowd at Kala Ghoda circle. Reni & Ajay were here too, to cheer
us on the last leg! Rest of the crowd was not there to cheer the runners but those
stopped by the traffic cops to let the runners pass this junction. Hope, none
of them missed their train. The organisers also had placed bananas for the
runners. Water & energy drinks are fine, but the stomach needs something
solid too during this long time spent on foot. Wonder, why they couldn’t have
this at other locations too? Maybe, this was a good deed of some volunteer. One
was enough for the last stretch to the finish.
tired & famished, I reached home. And immediately realized that I had missed
my ritual with the medal. Off I went to my Kitli & let the medal have its
moment under the sun!!
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